For anyone, mothers as well as those in the wider community, who would like to broaden their understanding on matrescence, this is a good read.
I’m so very slowly slowly working on developing ‘Mother Nurture,’ a community venture to support mothers through this process and beyond. Mother Space is the first part of this offering (link below in comments). This venture will grow alongside my authentic capacity to give, a process deeply connected with my own process of matrescence and mothering. It’s a birthing that has its own ripe timing and that is teaching me so so much.
Something I would add to this article is when the author is speaking in to greater support from the government offering support for childcare at a younger age. Were I to contribute to policy around this I would tweak this one so that the choice to return to work or stay at home is with the mother. The money that the government offer for childcare would be offered directly to her (or stay at home parent) in accordance with what the family decides is best for them all. Then I would feel more that the support is with the interest of the mother / family / community rather than invested in dominant capitalist culture.
I wrote about Matrescene for the most recent reconnect magazine. There is the potential within this process for deeper and richer parts of a woman to emerge when she can welcome it and is supported through it. This is a community effort, not simply an internal process.
My hope is to invite interest in matrescence and motherhood, to restore its place within community and culture. I’m heartened to hear others working with this too – those I know and those I don’t.
Do you know a mother you could reach out to in support in small and simple ways? It likely won’t feel small to her.