Come and receive some
“yummy beetroot soup for both body and soul!”
Taster sessions for ReSource are beginning next week.
Just 3 spaces left on the taster on January 30th.
Spaces on the taster on February 6th.
Regular sessions begin on February 20th.
Information can be found here.
Dates & Booking can be found here.
Spaces are limited. Booking Essential.
In celebration of the last licks of winter and the subtle shifts that are happening in the earth as the first shoots of spring begin to stretch and yawn, we will luxuriate in the inward spiral of rest and find places of ease in our bodies as we orient to gravity and ground.
Giving space to the soft, weighted, fluid and dreaming parts of yourself can facilitate a more authentic place through which you can find your ground and rise more fully into your life from.
With your roots spreading downwards, so you can reach and receive from your well nourished ground.
This is what ReSource is about.
With a yummy bowl of the good stuff,
Hayley x
(apologies if you don’t like beetroot soup… replace it with a soup you LOVE!)